Imagine delicate petals transforming into plants! This may sound like some botanical magic, but it is entirely doable!
15.11.2023 - 15:49 / / Sheri Dorn
These 8 plants are easiest to grow not only in the soil but also in the water. You can use them as a centerpiece on shelves and tabletops.
Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum
Pothos is one of the easiest houseplants to grow and keep in water. Simply plant a cutting with at least one node submerged in a decorative vase of water, and it will develop roots and continue to grow.
Botanical Name: Dracaena sanderiana
This good luck plant grows best in water better than soil; just keep the stalks submerged in water, and it will thrive with minimal care. You can find more care tips here.
Botanical Name: Philodendron
Many philodendron varieties can be grown in water easily, especially the heart leaf philodendron, which has a similar growing requirement as pothos.
Botanical Name: Tradescantia spp.
The purple-green foliage of the inch plant looks adorable when planted outdoors or indoors, if you’re growing it in water just provide it sufficient indirect light. Learn more in this step by step article here.
Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum
Arrowhead plants can grow in low light indoors. You can propagate this in water without soil. Take a stem cutting with a node, position it in water, and watch it root and grow. You can read the step-by-step description here.
Botanical Name: Hedera helix
English ivy can be a great addition to the water-based garden; you can grow this beautiful vine in water easily; find all the instructions here.
Botanical Name: Chlorophytum comosum
When your spider plant produces spiderettes or “pups” at the ends of its long arching leaves, trim them to place in water to root. Growing spider plants in water is quite easy; read the details in this post.
Botanical Name: Crassula Ovata
You can try this beautiful succulent in water
Imagine delicate petals transforming into plants! This may sound like some botanical magic, but it is entirely doable!
Botany should feature more heavily in the school curriculum, and be a greater focus of educational policy, a new study in the Journal of Biological Education says.
Imagine transforming your indoor plants into miniature forms. Well, you cannot transform all the botanical specimens into one, there are some that are ideal for quick and easy bonsai transformations. Let’s have a look at some beautiful Indoor Plants that Become Quick Easy Bonsai!
In this article, we’ll discuss Trees That Start With S, which stand out with distinct features, be it the Sugar Maple’s striking autumn colors or the Spruce’s resilient nature in cold climates.
After reading this till the end, you’ll be able to identify the Poison Ivy Look Alike Plants growing around you. As these are not as harmful as poison ivy, you won’t need to get rid of them.
These DIY Indoor Plant Wreath Ideas are perfect for decking up your home! You don’t need to be a pro crafter – just grab some stuff and work to create beautiful wreaths with these DIYs.
Humans have been breeding and selecting plants for millennia. And this ongoing endeavour has produced some truly extraordinary outcomes. One of the most dramatic being the progeny of Brassica oleracea. This single weedy looking coastal plant from the Mediterranean (it looks like oil seed rape) has been bred and developed so extensively that it has spawned numerous offspring including broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, romanesco and kale.
How to Grow and Care for Ferns Indoors Polypodiopsida
Unlock the secret to lush and vibrant foliage with Different Ways to Grow Snake Plants so you can bring life and style to your home.
Watering Plants can be a tricky business, especially if you are growing houseplants for the first time. It all depends on the plant’s needs, and while some plants respond well to particular watering techniques, others might not be well suited for the same. This is why it’s important to know about How to Water indoor plants.
Most of us know that snake plants produce really long-lasting fragrant flowers, but there are more surprising ones on this list of “Houseplants that Grow Rare Flowers” below.
Some houseplants are easy to grow and tolerate neglect, while others are pickier. It can be frustrating to try to grow plants indoors only to find they wilt, yellow or even die. While several factors go into growing a healthy plant, watering properly is often the most critical. We all know it is possible to kill with kindness where our watering cans are concerned. Knowing how often to water indoor plants and how much, is essential for success.