5 Yoni Steam Herbs for Tightening: Vaginal Steam
29.01.2024 - 07:29
/ balconygardenweb.com
/ Raul Cornelius
In yoni steaming, you sit over a bowl of hot water with herbs to tighten the muscles down there. Mugwort, Rosemary, Lavender, Calendula, and Basil are good herbs for this. But, doctors say there's no strong research proving it works and it might not be safe. It's important not to steam for too long or with water that's too hot. Remember, the vagina cleans itself and just needs warm water and some natural oil for care.
Yoni steaming has been used since medieval times to enhance sexual pleasure. This practice includes using different types of herbs for vaginal steam to tighten pubic muscles.
You might have read about it in books and have also seen it in the movie Kamasutra. Well, this practice involves sitting or squatting over a bowl of steaming water that’s infused with different types of herbs.
Vaginal steaming can be beneficial for postpartum healing, menstrual relief, and detoxification. However, there is no detailed research conducted on this topic.
(1) Mugwort and (2) Rosemary are the top two herbs used in this process – they both have <a href=«https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=» https: target="_blank" rel=«noopener»>antibacterial
, anti-fungal, and antiseptic qualities.
You can also include (3) Lavender, which has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, along with (4) Calendula, popular for its healing and restorative effects.
Last, but not the least, adding a few leaves of (5) Basil will also be a good idea, thanks to its antimicrobial properties.
Take a medium-sized bowl and heat the water until it starts to steam – pour it into the bowl and add the leaves of all the herbs mentioned above. Let it steep for 5-10 minutes, and then heat it again if it starts to cool down before steaming.
Once done, squat or