Elizabeth Waddington

How to Harvest and Store Winter Squash and Pumpkins - treehugger.com

How to Harvest and Store Winter Squash and Pumpkins

If you have grown squash or pumpkins in your garden, then the last thing that you want is for that produce to go to waste.

Tips For a Fabulous Fall Garden - treehugger.com

Tips For a Fabulous Fall Garden

A fall garden can be a great and bounteous place—not a space that makes us mourn for the glory days of summer but somewhere that allows us to revel in the beauty and abundance of the season.

Try These Peas and Beans for Fall Planting - treehugger.com

Try These Peas and Beans for Fall Planting

Even though it may be autumn, it is not too late to sow and grow. With the right strategies, even in cooler climate zones, it is possible to grow your own throughout the whole of the year. The key is to choose the right strategies and the right crops and varieties for your specific situation.

How Tracing Food Chains in a Garden Can Lead to Surprising Lessons - treehugger.com

How Tracing Food Chains in a Garden Can Lead to Surprising Lessons

Every garden, no matter how large or small, has at least some features of a functioning ecological system. By tracing the food chains in a garden, we can learn to appreciate the function of the natural world around us and also gain a deeper appreciation of our place within the system as a whole.

Do You Suffer From 'Scope Creep' in Your Garden? - treehugger.com

Do You Suffer From 'Scope Creep' in Your Garden?

Scope creep is something that can sneak up on you when you are working on a project in the garden. If you are unfamiliar with the term, it is often used in project management to describe when the scope of a project alters over time and is not properly defined or controlled.

What I Love About a Fall Garden - treehugger.com

What I Love About a Fall Garden

As the nights begin to draw in and summer's heat fades fast, we may spend less time in our gardens and mourn the departure of the sun. But for me, fall is absolutely my favorite time of the year. Though the days are shortening rapidly and the summer garden may be fading fast, there is a lot to love about a garden in this season. 

How I Use Homemade Leaf Mold in My Garden - treehugger.com

How I Use Homemade Leaf Mold in My Garden

I have written before about how I make leaf mold in my garden. But today, I thought it would be useful to share how I use the leaf mold that I make since I have been asked about this a few times recently. I know that many are interested in making leaf mold but don't fully understand how it can be used.

A Vole’s Role in a Garden - treehugger.com

A Vole’s Role in a Garden

I have voles in my garden. While many people may see this as a serious disadvantage and a problem to be solved, I like to look at the positive and recognize the role that these creatures perform in garden ecology.

Fall Makeover Ideas for Garden Seating Areas - treehugger.com

Fall Makeover Ideas for Garden Seating Areas

After summer, as the weather begins to cool, it can be a good time to review and assess your garden. What worked well over the current season, and what did not exactly go according to plan?

Learn Plant Families to Help You Grow as a Gardener - treehugger.com

Learn Plant Families to Help You Grow as a Gardener

There are always lots of things to learn as a gardener, and many of them can only be learned through doing—through actually getting out there and getting your hands dirty. But there are some things gardeners can learn from reading, watching, or listening.

The Importance of Persistence in Sustainable Gardening - treehugger.com

The Importance of Persistence in Sustainable Gardening

Being persistent is not always seen as a desirable attribute. Sometimes, those who are persistent are seen as being like a dog with a bone that they just won't give up. Some mistake the concept of persistence with that of pushiness. They think that giving in can lead to a more harmonious existence.

What I Do With My Lavender Harvest - treehugger.com - Britain

What I Do With My Lavender Harvest

Lavender is a lovely and popular flowering herb. The lavender I grow in my garden isLavandula angustifolia, also known as English Lavender. The variety I have is called Hidcote, which is a relatively compact lavender with deep purple flowers. Versatile and easy to grow, this lavender is a useful wildlife attractant on the sunny fringe of my forest garden.

Sustainable Ways to Use Vacation Time at Home - treehugger.com

Sustainable Ways to Use Vacation Time at Home

When you have time off work, you might not always go away. But that time you have off work can be put to good use to try and further your sustainable practices.

Using Homegrown Fruits to Make Cool Treats for Summer Days - treehugger.com

Using Homegrown Fruits to Make Cool Treats for Summer Days

When the weather is warm, it is great to be able to reach into the freezer and enjoy a healthy treat. Better yet, popsicles, sorbets, or fruity ice creams can all be made using produce you have grown yourself in your garden. Hyper-local and packaging-free, making your own is the eco-friendliest way to go.

August Jobs in My Forest Garden - treehugger.com - Scotland

August Jobs in My Forest Garden

My forest garden in August is a busy and abundant space. Those of you who have your own gardens will likely understand that this is a busy time of the year but also, excitingly, a time when much of your hard work will be paying off in the form of several fruit harvests.

What I Sow in My Vegetable Garden in August - treehugger.com - county Garden

What I Sow in My Vegetable Garden in August

August is an interesting and busy time in a vegetable garden, as many readers will no doubt be well aware. Most of your attention is likely to be on harvesting and tending the summer crops.

Inspiration for Gardens That Can Stand the Heat - treehugger.com

Inspiration for Gardens That Can Stand the Heat

As we continue to break heat records in many different regions around the world, gardeners have to think more than ever about how they can create gardens that can stand the heat.

Do's and Don’ts for Gardening in a Heat Wave - treehugger.com

Do's and Don’ts for Gardening in a Heat Wave

During increasingly common heat waves in summer, temperatures can soar, making it a challenge to maintain a healthy garden.

Garden Design Ideas for Fire-Prone Areas - treehugger.com

Garden Design Ideas for Fire-Prone Areas

We all know that wildfires are an increasingly common concern in many parts of the world, even in areas where they have not been an issue before. You may be considering fire safety for the first time or looking to future-proof your property in areas where wildfires are becoming more common. Either way, as a permaculture garden designer, I have created plans for a variety of climates and considerations, and today I thought I would share with you my simple design tips for gardens in fire-prone areas.

How Should We Measure Success in a Garden? - treehugger.com

How Should We Measure Success in a Garden?

Are you successful in your garden? This is a question that is not as easy to answer as you might think. I have been thinking lately about how we should measure success in a garden and why it is important to answer this question as a sustainable gardener.

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